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2 Models of Business of the B2B

7. Value Chain Service Provider : supply of one given activity of the chain of the value, which the electronic payment or the logistics. The gain derives from the payment of one commission or one percentage.

8. Value Chain Integrator : the companies that choose this model of business do not concentrate their activity on a specific branch of the chain of the value but they try to integrate more activity succeeding to take advantage of the flow of information elapsing between the various passages.

9. Collaboration Platform : offer of a set of instruments and an informative atmosphere for the interaziendale collaboration. The support can be on specific functions, as an example the collaboration in the design and the planning or more general, putting to disposition a virtual team of advisers to several the plans. The gain derives from the management of the platform, with the relative commission of registration and of I use, and from the sale of professional instruments.

10. Information Brokerage, Trust and other services : new services informed, in order to add value to you to the amount of give to you available on the net or coming from from operations of business. In this family of models, the infomediario is found that it collects give you of the consumers and their habits of purchase. A particular category is that one of the Service Trust that supplies credibility through the use of certificatrici authorities or third thought parts reliable.
The profits derive from the payment of commission of subscription of the service or from its I use, and the sale of software and advising.
A model exists that is common to those approvals up to now, and is the model of business based on the publicity. It often comes integrated with others and not used in its pure shape.
When it is not arranged with other models, it is characterized for the fact that the enterprise does not demand to the customer some payment to forehead of the services offers, drawing instead profits from the sale of advertising spaces.
The portali belong to this family of models, that is those situated ones think in order to obtain a wide public to you which to propose advertising messages.
This result comes obtained trying to make to become situated the homepage for many customers, offering services which information, search engines, access to virtual storees, etc. For fidelizzare the user, to the generic portale preferred that one personalized often comes, is in the interface that above all in the contents.
An other type of portale exists and is that specialistic one, that is oriented to a specific category of customers. It concentrates itself on a specific range of contents; it attracts a smaller number of customers, than but they turn out more faithful.

11. eSupply chain : integrated management of the logistic chain is a system constituted from one; an extensive system that it comprises is inner the productive units to the company that the external suppliers, the terzisti and the distributors [ Clanius 2002 ]. All these entities, been involved directly in the creation of the value for the final customer, come exactly managed in an only process of planning and control, indicated Supply Chain Management.
Not draft only of the management of a physical flow, but also informative and financial. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is therefore with of approaches used in order integrating in efficient way the suppliers, the producers, the distributors and the points sale, so that the goods is produced and distributed in the just amount, to the just points and the just moment, with the objective to diminish the costs of the entire system guaranteeing an optimal level of service.
The increase of the business borders is come true moreover until comprising suppliers and customers, establishing with they collaborations strategic and operating with the objective to catch up minor the all in cost of the so-called system of the extensive company (figure 3).

Figure 3 - The concept of extensive company - Source: Unitec

The market offers two tipologie of eSupply chain:

  1. A chain completely integrated and optimized, where an only organization controls and governs the resources of the entire productive row, from the planning of the distribution to the schedulazione of the activities of the single members. It is divided in two ambles applied to you to you:
    1. the processes operated to you (eSupply Chain Execution), comprising the orders, the delivery, the invoicing, are made logistic, administrative and book keeping, but also the processes of presale and postsale, with the objective to automate and to integrate this makes (figure 4).

      Figure 4 - The functionalities of the solutions of eSupply Chain Execution

    2. the processes collaborated to you (eSupply Chain Collaboration) that forecast of the question, management of the supplyes, monitoring and control of the supply chain, etc), the planning of the development of new products and the management of the quality regard the operating planning. The objective is to improve the effectiveness of the processes thanks to the sharing of information and acquaintances and thanks also to the collaboration in figure 5 is made decisional and executive.

      Figure 5 - The functionalities of the solutions of eSupply Chain Collaboration

  2. The communities online of suppliers and customers, composed from companies that operate in the same market. This according to model it is limited regarding the previous one.
In order to succeed to realize and to optimize eSupply the Chain it is necessary in the first place to decide of information complete and modernized on resources and materials near every node of the productive net.
This philosophy already is put into effect in the great companies while it it is much less for the medium enterprises that are accustomed to collaborate with partner independent in the decisions and systems informed to you independent.
Many entrepreneurs confess in fact strong fears for the emergency of the own strategic information that they would come shared with the partner trades them in order to realize the concept of extensive company. Such strategy arrives to the supported succeeded one if from clear, timely information and of quality.


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